Author: Dougbrown

How To Reduce Your Server Response Time

Often, server response time doesn’t register as a significant concern for speeding up the pages’ load-time. Overlooking this crucial element of website development may impact your SEO scores since …

The Rise of Technology

Technology can be loosely defined as anything invented that has utility. This definition may not be perfect, but it will be sufficient for our purposes. When people think of …

Technology in the Workplace

Work-life balance refers to how people divide their time between their professional and personal responsibilities. This makes it possible to pay attention to different aspects of daily living.

How is Technology Changing Insurance?

Technology has become an essential part of all our lives. Many tasks have become more manageable, and businesses have used this to improve. One industry that’s made significant changes …

Traveling After Corona

The world’s international borders have shut down to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus. However, authorities have assured us that the measures are temporary. Still, for those of …