When it comes to remodeling commercial office space, you have to consider a long list of factors that go beyond just aesthetics and design. And the more time and attention you put into preparing for a remodel, the smoother the process will go.
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Try These 4 Tips for a Successful Remodel
A commercial office space renovation is never quick or easy. With so many different moving parts, you need a detailed plan in place. And though every project will have its own unique processes and execution steps, the following tips should help you generate positive results.
Identify Objectives
Any successful office remodel begins with a clear understanding of why you’re doing it. In other words, what do you hope to get out of the new space that you don’t currently have?
A clear set of objectives does wonders for your project – both in planning and execution. Consider, for example, a scenario where your goal is to free up space and create a more open layout where your employees can space out and have their own individual workspaces without feeling like they’re restricted. Contrast that with a remodel project where the goal is to maximize productivity by reorienting the layout to put certain people and departments in closer proximity to one another. Both projects may have similar outcomes, but the driving force behind them is unique. By understanding and addressing objectives, you can move with much greater clarity and decisiveness.
Hire the Right Team
The right plan is the first step. But if you want the best laid intentions to come to fruition, you must have the correct team in place. This is arguably one of the most important steps in the entire process. A failure to get this aspect right will wreak havoc on the entire project.
While you can go out and handpick different companies and partners for each stage of the remodel, you may find it easier to work with a single company that already has all of the connections and resources needed to take the project from start to finish.
One option is to partner with a commercial property management company that offers full-service maintenance and construction management. This takes so much responsibility off your shoulders and allows you to merely oversee (without getting stuck in the weeds). The result is a more efficient and streamlined process that can be executed with less friction and more precision.
Set a Contingency Budget
All projects look neat and clear when analyzed on a spreadsheet. But as anyone with project management experience knows, numbers aren’t nearly as precise when you actually begin executing.
Most expenses and line items within a remodel budget are nothing more than ballpark estimates. They might be honest estimates, but there’s still a chance that you’re over- or under-shooting by a decent amount. Plus, there are always surprise expenses and evolving circumstances that can’t be anticipated during the planning phase.
In order to account for the unexpected, it’s wise to include a 5 to 10 percent cushion in your budget. Thus if you’ve been given leeway to spend a maximum of $100,000 on a renovation, it would be smart to create a budget in the $90,000 to $95,000 range (knowing that it’s likely you’ll end up close to the $100,000 figure by default). This is known as a contingency budget.
Create a Realistic Timeline
Time is money – particularly when it comes to a commercial property where your company is anticipating the remodel to be finished on a specific date in order that employees can return to work.
Much like you do with a contingency budget, it’s good to leave yourself some cushion (particularly in between phases of construction and remodeling). This buffer will lower the stress on all parties involved.
Adding it All Up
Whether you’re swapping out carpet and upgrading office desks or you’re tearing down walls and reorienting the entire layout, a commercial office remodel can be expensive and time-consuming. By treating it as an investment, you increase your chances of finishing on budget and on time.
Hopefully, these tips give you some direction and clarity on how to proceed. Plan ahead and look for ways to make the process more efficient for all parties involved.