It seems counterintuitive to suggest that comp-sci majors should look into law. Many students who set out to study tech hope to end up in a tech-related field or set off on their own as professionals. Many of these tech graduates find themselves in positions that don’t leverage their skills as IT personnel in today’s marketplace. The bottom-level jobs like IT support and technical repair positions utilize these skills. From the time you start moving up into more complex jobs, there’s less of a dependence on your tech prowess and more of a push towards knowing technology while being versed in other fields.
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Legal Firms Need IT People
Thomson Reuters mentions that good legal teams need great tech and support for that tech. Being support staff for a legal team is one of the most lucrative career paths an IT major can hope to follow. Techs will typically need to work on blogs or perform basic troubleshooting for networking and security within the lawyer’s offices. However, this isn’t the only reason IT majors should study law as a secondary field. Firms like Horst Shewmaker Law have spent a long time finding tech persons with a background in IT to help with their content management plans.
Seeing Problems Before They Arise
Tech graduates don’t need to be aware of every small detail that happens in the law. The time we live in is unique because tech fields are seeing a significant overlap with legal areas. Around the world, user privacy is among the most prominent details being discussed by governments. If a tech graduate is about to enter a firm, they should be expected to grasp the broad legal definitions affecting the field. Developing new software will require you to know what legislation affects its operation and its ability to collect and store data. Spotting problems before they arise can help a tech team be more agile in dealing with potential ramifications of their software.
The Spirit Of The Law is Essential
In many cases, the law rules on what it sees as fair. Today’s world is beginning to see many cases coming to light where there is simply no precedence. The law governs every walk of our lives, yet there is a distinct void in dealing with IT-related issues. Most of the law deals with physical possession of something, but virtual economies and currencies have become the new norm for assets. Data theft’s legal implications are still being hammered out in law courts, and being an IT professional with a background in law can offer unique insights into the developing debate.
Law Can be Fun
The law has a reputation for being a dry field. It doesn’t have to be that way. Law is a discipline that takes all of human activity and experience into consideration. It looks at what’s fair, not only in a given, narrow scenario but how it can be interpreted and employed in other situations. In this sense, it’s something we can all associate with, to some level. Studying the law can be fun if you give it a chance, and it can offer unique insights into your own profession, simply because the law defines people as much as people define it.